Raw Shea Butter – Supporting Fairtrade


Raw shea butter has always been a key ingredient in the cosmetics industry. And it is no wonder considering its moisturising properties! But how much do people really know about raw shea butter? We discuss its benefits, uses, and why ethically sourced shea butter is best! 

Shea Moisture From Our Products

One of the most important ingredients we use in Odylique products including Lipsticks, Repair Lotion, Rose Moisturiser and even Eye Liner, is raw shea butter as it is extraordinarily good both for the skin and hair. Benefits include moisturising, promoting healing and cell renewal, as well as reducing irritation, inflammation, muscular pain, sun damage, stretch mark and scar formation. These plus points have led to a surge in the use of shea butter in natural skincare products generally in recent years.

raw-shea-butter shea-butter raw-shea-butter-ingredients organic-minerals
Lipsticks Repair Lotion Timeless Rose Moisturiser  Eyeliner 

But Not All Shea Butter Is Equal..

But not all shea butter is made equal. And not all shea butter growers and producers are treated in the same way.

There are various grades of shea butter ranging on a scale from 1 to 5. Only the top grade shea butter offers the most beneficial properties in skincare, whereas grade 3 shea butter with a lower vitamin content, but some moisturising properties, is more suited to soap-making . Likewise, only raw, shea butter contains the antioxidants and plant sterols which give it the most benefits. This is what we insist upon as the refined shea butter offers nothing like the same profile.

Where Does Raw Shea Butter Come From?

Shea butter comes from the African karite tree, hence its name in French ‘beurre de karité’. Countries of origin are usually Ghana or Burkina Faso, some of the poorest countries on the planet. We buy our organic shea butter from a cooperative in Ghana which gained Fairtrade certification in 2009. Fairtrade has made a huge impact on the lives of woman working within the cooperative for whom collecting, processing and selling shea nuts is their main source of income. Which is one of the main reasons why we are such strong advocates of supporting Fairtrade!

As the Cooperative President, Juliana Sampana says:

“Many women in our region and elsewhere have over the years worked so hard to put food on their tables for their families through farming and other odd jobs but end up with an unfair income leading to several deficiencies as a result of poor dieting. The majority of their money is spent on treating deficiency-related illnesses such as Kwashiorkor, beriberi and skin rashes. With Fairtrade the women are assured of receiving a fair wage for their hard work.”

The Fairtrade ‘premium’ –  paid to the Cooperative as part of the certification – is being used to renovate a primary school in the region, develop further educational facilities, and buy equipment and technology for schools.

Our Other Key Products That Contain Raw Shea Butter:

shea-butter-extract organic-moisturiser raw-butter
24 Hour Avocado Replenishing Cream Ultra Rich Balm Lip Silk

Want To Try Our Products?

We only source the kindest ingredients from trusted suppliers who don’t practice unethical or cruel methods of farming, which is why we are able to label every single one of our products cruelty free!

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