
Summer Skincare for Sensitive Skin

Continuing Margaret’s articles on summer skincare for sensitive skin (see Margaret’s previous blog on sunburn), this post covers Heat Rash and Prickly Heat, as well as PMLE and sensitive skin problems like eczema that are often worsened by summer heat.

Are Organic Cosmetics Effective at Anti-ageing?

A criticism or perhaps doubt sometimes levelled at organic beauty products is that they can’t compete with the ‘big brands’ on anti-ageing performance, even if they are healthier. So can natural ingredients really perform like the latest wonder ingredient from a hi-tech laboratory?  Well we really believe organic skincare can be more effective! Here’s why…

Argan oil in skin care?

We had an interesting question from one of our Facebook friends (thank you!) recently on Argan Oil. Would we use it in our skin care? …

Are Parabens Linked To Breast Cancer?

A study published this month has raised questions again about the potential correlation between the use of parabens in food and cosmetics, and the possibility of developing breast cancer.